Make your Passion your Profession.

 Your passion is your greatest desire to do something in which you are interested. Something you love the most. Something you always want to do. It may be writing articles, playing a game or any other activity.

So take a deep breath and seek in yourself to find your passion. What makes you Happy? You will discover your passion inside you. Follow your passion bring it into reality and convert it into your profession.  

Respect Time

 Time is the most power full weapon ever in this world. It is the only thing which never come back.
 If you will respect your precious time and use it properly then time will respect you in the end otherwise you will be regretting with an empty hand. So manage you time now and don’t waste it. Make a proper time table and follow it on the daily basis so everything will be done on time. 

Think Positive

It is universal fact that our mind creates thoughts depend upon how we think about a particular thing. William Shakespeare says that, “Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so”. Everything around us seems to be good or bad depending upon our approach towards that thing.

Always adopt positive thoughts about your dream because it will courage you and increase your motivational level. Never think with a negative approach because negative thoughts always kill the positive thinking and demotivate you. So do not be afraid of what you are doing and keep doing hard work with fully satisfaction. 


Success always starts with your self-belief. Your self-confidence is your trust in yourself. It is the greatest power inside you which defines how strong, determine and courageous you are.

Your self-esteem plays a vital role in your daily lives. Specially at a time when you are going to take important decision.  If you think that you can do something then you can defiantly do it really. The first step towards your destination is to believe in own abilities.  Remember that the only person who can pull you down is yourself. Many people restrict themselves to do something great only by thinking that they cannot do it. They are afraid to use their inner talent and skills due to which they spend their whole lives only desiring what they want.

Do not stop yourself from doing something you desire for. I have saw a number of my friends who wanted to do something great but they are unable to do because they think that they cant do. 

Happiness means how satisfy we feel with our lives. It is the basic need for human nature like food and water. It is the actual thing which builds a human personality. Your happiness actually describes how successful you are in your life.
 As happiness is very essential for human nature but the actual question is what happiness is?  Where we will seek happiness?  What is the source of happiness??
Many people in this world failed to achieve happiness even after struggling for a long time where most of them die without achieving it. They think that after getting a good job, making some wealth and marring to a perfect man/woman they will be happy but their problems increased with the passage of time.

In this world no one is satisfy from his life. From the poorest person to the richest everyone is busy in improving the quality of life. People don’t think that what they already have and how to satisfy themselves with it.

The only way to happiness is satisfy with what you have and love what you do.  This doesn’t mean that you don’t have to struggle to achieve success but do struggle with a happy and satisfied life. Seek in yourself that what can make you happy and follow your passion. 
So when you become happy your problems will get smaller, you will start to love everything around you and the entire world will seem to be heaven. The real life is the life of happiness.

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